"If a therapist assumes [a collaborative perspective], they will naturally and spontaneously act and talk in ways that create a space for and invite conversations and relationships where clients and therapists connect, collaborate, and construct with each other." Harlene Anderson


I offer private supervision individually or in a small group (no more than 5 people plus myself). Individual sessions are 1 hour and group sessions are 2 hours. While broadly based on systemic and collaborative principles, in other words looking at connectedness and building on your own knowledge, ideas and objectives, the conversation will emerge rather than being pre-ordained. Through this  process I hope to assist you in relation to your clinical or professional work, personal competence, and ability to function optimally within your organization – to stay alive, curious, responsive, inspired.

I can also offer live in-the-room consultation to see attempt to move beyond "stuckness." The idea hereis to bring some liveliness and possibilities into a system that seems to have ground to a halt.

As with my clinical work, my aim is to be responsive and accountable, so I will be interested in feedback about the extent to which this difference is making a difference.

* The term "supervision" suggests a hierarchical notion of knowledge and authority; I tend to agree with Harlene Andersen who prefers to speak of "consulting with" and "having a conversation about."


For individual supervision I charge £60.

Please get in touch if you would like to know when a group is available. Fees will depend on the number of people attending; if there are 5 people each participant will pay £25.